CHARLOTTE, N.C. ? Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino hit all the right notes today for Democratic National Convention officials who wanted him to tell voters why Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is the wrong choice ? but hizzoner failed to deliver his most intensely anticipated political message, who he will back in the Bay State?s hotly contested Senate race.
?Now, Mitt Romney is a decent guy. As the mayor of Boston, I worked with him when he was governor,? said Menino. ?Much of the time, we worked together pretty well. But he made a lot of decisions that were bad for our state and now he wants to carry those wrong-headed policies to the rest of our country??
It?s unclear how many delegates or viewers were actually listening as Menino began laying into Romney around 5:30 p.m. The convention hall was less than half-full, allowing his wife, Angela, and other family and friends to grab front row seats. Most members of the Massachusetts delegation weren?t even in their seats when the mayor gave his 10-minute address, hours before the start of prime time television coverage.
Menino, noted for mispronunciations that even he has made light of, committed few bloopers. While few delegates were hanging on his words, several from beyond Massachusetts told the Herald they are fans of Menino.
?I like his accent. It kind of kept you engaged,? a Tennessee delegate said.
Menino used the national stage to repeatedly slam Romney, arguing the former Massachusetts governor ?may come from Boston, but his campaign?s values aren?t Boston values.?
Menino also accused Romney of cutting education and workforce training, disguising tax hikes as fees and increasing long-term debt as governor of Massachusetts while failing to create jobs, telling delegates the state ranked 47th out of 50 under his leadership.
?Think of me as a reference check. In Massachusetts, Mitt Romney had the one job in his life that?s closest to being president, and he wasn?t all that good at it,? said Menino.
Menino?s speech didn?t mention the heated race between Sen. Scott Brown and Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts. The Hub political heavyweight has been coy about who he will endorse but has appeared to hint in recent days he may throw his support behind Warren, who also addressed the convention last night. Menino has also spoken warmly of Brown, who he has called ?a nice guy,? but has vowed to base his endorsement on the issues and not personalities.
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